Sep 6, 2010

Turning Point

I've reached a TURNING POINT in my life. I feel different begining this semester. Before school started there were a lot of prayers by a lot of people for Harding, the students and faculty, and Searcy. So I went into the year in prayer and on a mission. Instead of Harding helping me grow, Harding is now my mission field. All the people I meet and live with I intentionally try to influence and point to Christ. Instead of complaining about the feeling of religious lethargy the school needs prayer and intercession. It needs a band of radical Jesus followers to call them out of the lifeless following (sometimes) of religious rules and into the abundant life that Jesus has called us to with a personal relationship with Him and following his Spirit.

This year I take a hold of my relationship with Christ like never before.

This year I trust God and believe EVERY WORD of that crazy book called the Bible (have you read it?... it's bonkers)

This year I decide I love God's presence way more than sin in my life.

This year I'm intentional about my relationships.

This year I pray and believe.

This year I succeed in school.

This year I consistantly pray and fast.

This year I spend time with God every day.

This year I give everything I can in work and school and give my absolute best in prayer meetings, cell, and Church service

This year I jump off this easy college train-life of just going to class and having fun and start walking the path that Christ has already made for me and doing the work He has prepared in advance for me wherever that may take me.

Wherever this blog finds you, you're in a mission field. Your work, home, dorm, church, and community is your mission. God has one gigantic plan for the world and we all have a part to play. Be faithful in your part. Every part is important. If you feel that your part is small and doesn't matter remember the parable of the talents. God gives everyone something. If you're faithful with the mission He's given you he'll give you more. If you don't do anything with what you're given because you feel like it's insignificant and doesn't matter then that's all you will ever get. Be faithful with little and you will be trusted with more. Pray for your mission field everyday. Work on it intentionally everyday and continually fast for it.

The begining of this semester marked a turning point in my life. What needs to turn in your's? Turn the pages of the Book and the Spirit will turn your life. Always remember the main thing and the main thing is Jesus. Blessings