He said to them, “Because of your little faith [you could not cast out this demon]. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
What are you thinking right now after reading this verse? A few weeks ago I remember listening to a sermon and a preacher read this verse and I was thinking, "There is no way I could really speak and a mountain would move. That's just mot possible." But immediately Holy Spirit said to me, "No, that is not true. This is my Word and it is true and it says that if you have faith like a mustard seed you can tell a mountain to move and it will move. This is true."
I recognized something. I recognized that I didn't have faith. I'd seen God do some amazing things, but I was still lacking faith. I had also prayed for people and nothing happened. God was showing me that faith is the key here.
But there is a funny thing about faith and it is that I can't make it. I can't muster up or attain faith. God gives it. 1 Corinthians 12 has a long list of gifts of the Holy Spirit like healing, tounges, and miracles and in that list, faith is included. Faith is a gift from God and nothing else. So I asked for faith.
Less than a week later my friend was preaching at a church so a bunch of us went to support and pray for the people there during ministry time. Afterwards, another friend of mine, Denis, came to me and said he had a headache and wanted me to pray for healing. After a second, I remembered this word God was speaking to me. I had asked for faith, and I had some. So I put my hand on his head and boldly, in faith I asked God to heal his headache and I told the headache to leave in the name of Jesus. After I was done, Denis looked up, sat there for a second, and then looked at me and said, "It's gone!" It was awesome and I shared what God was speaking.
That night he went home and prayed for his roommate who had a cold for a week and it immediately went away.
So right now it is headaches, fingers (maybe some on that later!), and colds. Tomorrow it's on to mountains. Either way, God Almighty is moving!
What are you thinking right now after reading this verse? A few weeks ago I remember listening to a sermon and a preacher read this verse and I was thinking, "There is no way I could really speak and a mountain would move. That's just mot possible." But immediately Holy Spirit said to me, "No, that is not true. This is my Word and it is true and it says that if you have faith like a mustard seed you can tell a mountain to move and it will move. This is true."
I recognized something. I recognized that I didn't have faith. I'd seen God do some amazing things, but I was still lacking faith. I had also prayed for people and nothing happened. God was showing me that faith is the key here.
But there is a funny thing about faith and it is that I can't make it. I can't muster up or attain faith. God gives it. 1 Corinthians 12 has a long list of gifts of the Holy Spirit like healing, tounges, and miracles and in that list, faith is included. Faith is a gift from God and nothing else. So I asked for faith.
Less than a week later my friend was preaching at a church so a bunch of us went to support and pray for the people there during ministry time. Afterwards, another friend of mine, Denis, came to me and said he had a headache and wanted me to pray for healing. After a second, I remembered this word God was speaking to me. I had asked for faith, and I had some. So I put my hand on his head and boldly, in faith I asked God to heal his headache and I told the headache to leave in the name of Jesus. After I was done, Denis looked up, sat there for a second, and then looked at me and said, "It's gone!" It was awesome and I shared what God was speaking.
That night he went home and prayed for his roommate who had a cold for a week and it immediately went away.
So right now it is headaches, fingers (maybe some on that later!), and colds. Tomorrow it's on to mountains. Either way, God Almighty is moving!