Jan 14, 2010

Who's Your Daddy?

Who put the universe into exsistance? What is He like? These are questions that man has been wrestling with since the beginning of time. Countless theories, religions, and cults have formed as a direct result of seeking an answer to these questions. Thankfully we, as Christians have found the truth: Jesus Christ! He is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 4:6). His name is the only way that we'll ever make it to Heaven (Acts 4:12). His name is what we need. For the purpose of this blog, I'm going to assume that everyone reading is already living under that name and is washed in the cleansing blood of Christ Jesus. I'm going to call it "Chasing". A simple name, but that's what we need to be doing. Our whole lives need to be in a constant pursuit of Him, His will for us, His specific calling for our lives, and a deeper relationship with Him.
This morning I was sitting in Bible class. Believe it or not, I don't expect something profound from it everyday, but TODAY was different. As I'm sitting in class learning about history, context, and language of the New Testament, something popped out. As you probably know, the New Testament was written in greek: koine greek, the greek of the street, to be specific. I had some great Bible teachers early in life that have already taught me this. What was really interesting was when we started talking about the language Jesus spoke. He spoke greek of course, He must have spoke Hebrew seeing as He was very well versed in the Hebrew Bible, but scholars agree that He also spoke arabic. In fact arabic was His "heart language". If you remember, when Jesus was praying in the garden before His betrayal he cried out, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what You will." (Mark 14:36) What struck me was this word "Abba". It's an arabic word, and you know what it means? It quite literally means "daddy"! And here's the best part:

"For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adotion as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba! Father!'" (Rom 8:15)

God, the creator of the universe is our father. Not only is he our father, but he is our daddy! That famous quote says, "Any man can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a daddy." There is a distinct difference between a father and a daddy. God is aiming to be our daddy. He may be all powerful, but he can't be our daddy without our cooperation just like your father here on earth. If you treat Him like some far away diety, that's what He'll be to you. If you treat Him only as an authority figure, that's what He'll be to you. If you feel like you have to be formal and scripted everytime you go to Him, then you won't have any depth in Him. If you treat Him like your daddy, then He'll be your daddy! That's what He want's. Believe it or not, God has a unique intrest in you. Yes YOU! 1 Corinthians 7:17 says, "Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him..." He has called you to something specific and has a place for you in His kingdom. He says that He will take care of us (Matt 6:25-27), and we need to believe it! We need to trust in Him, trust in His calling, trust in His promise, and trust in His leading. After all, "...If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom 8:31)

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