Feb 7, 2010

Get Ready

Over and over again the church is called the bride of Christ. I have one question: why aren't we acting like it? When a man and a woman get engaged, (and make no mistake about it, if you're a Christian then you are engaged to Christ) what does the bride-to-be do between the engagement and the wedding? Does she figure out what to do with her life apart from her groom? Does she run as hard as she can after her carrer? No way! She thinks about her groom night and day! She plans the wedding and eagerly awaits their life together. She counts down the days until the wedding and makes herself ready for the wedding.
We are the bride-to-be right now. How do we respond. I know I can't speak for everyone, so I'll speak for myself in the past and even a little bit still. We're engaged to this Jewish man, yet we hardly know Him. Yeah, we know some stories about Him and know some things that He taught and said, but we don't actually know Him. We don't know Him intimately and we can't distinguish Him voice. How are we supposed to be able to discern between the Spirits if we don't even know the man Jesus? We run after everything in our own lives whether it be our carrers, social status, athleticism, or education without giving a second thought about our Groom. We go to church and say a prayer everyday, but we don't consider His will for our lives. Our Groom told us to watch (Matt 24:42; Luke 12:37) but we don't even know how to watch. We are the bride of Christ. Why don't we start acting like one?


  1. So true man! So true! I always look forward to reading what you have to say, it is always challenging but at the same time really encouraging. Thanks!
