Sep 20, 2013

Why I Appreciate My Church of Christ Heritage

As many of you know, but some of you may not, I was brought up in the Churches of Christ and membership goes a few generations deep on either side of my family.  As I grew up and began studying and exploring on my own, I came to different conclusions than what the mainstream Church of Christ fellowship believes. After a few years I ended up attending a different fellowship. Many people who go through this experience become bitter and only find negative things to say, and to be honest, I went through a similar season. But as I was thinking the other day, I am very glad that I grew up in the Churches of Christ and thought I would share why I am so thankful!

  1. I am thankful for being taught the importance of correct doctrine: The Bible has a teaching on the subjects it speaks about. There is a doctrine and proper Biblical understanding of subjects like grace, salvation, baptism, marriage, and many other subjects. There are many who believe we should disregard these things for the sake of unity. While I don't believe we can ever fully understand a subject like grace, we should never simply give up but seek to know the truth. Even though we may not always believe the same things about different points of doctrine, I am glad we can still be united in Christ!
  2. I am thankful for being taught the importance of the Bible: It is astonishing to me the amount of young people I meet who don't know how to find a verse in the Bible. Of course this issue transcends many fellowships and denominations including the Churches of Christ and it is probably a due to a combination of issues. I am thankful that I grew up in churches where we studied the Bible and learned about the major stories and themes of the Bible! I was taught to use the Bible as a grid for my life and worship and continue to do this into my young adulthood!
  3. I am thankful for the opportunity to learn the hymns: The hymns are great! Though I got really tired of singing exclusively hymns week after week, I am very grateful that I know them. I woke up singing "Living By Faith" the other day and it struck me how powerful those lyrics were. If I walk by faith, I can trust in him and I don't have to worry about the situations and circumstances in life. I love to revisit the hymns with fresh eyes. They are rich and full of beautifully expressed truth! I've also been enjoying "He's My King!"
  4. I am thankful for simplicity in worship: This may seem odd to some people. Currently I play or sing in three different worship bands regularly and I love it! I love getting to play that roll of leading others in worship. But the setup and time investment for practice time is astronomical in comparison. I love that we don't need all of that to worship God and I am glad I learned that from an early age. Some days it is nice just to sing to Him with nothing but my voice. Other times, it is great to have my acoustic guitar or a full band!
  5. I am thankful for the community and sense of belonging: Some of my favorite memories growing up in the Churches of Christ is community of "likewise believers" that I got to fellowship with. I always enjoyed area-wide fellowships and singings. But nothing could match the excitement of church camp and the area wide youth singing group called the Singing Youth of Denver. I loved hanging out with kids my age who loved God and believed the same things I did.
I know some people may think that I have some sort of animosity or distain for the Churches of Christ, like many people do. In reality, I am thankful for my upbringing and the role of the Churches of Christ in it and I am thankful for the part they play in the Body of Christ! If you are part of the Churches of Christ, know that I love you all and pray nothing but blessings upon you!

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." John 17:20-23

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