Sep 7, 2011

Jesus. Only Jesus.

We are seeking satisfaction. We are seeking meaning, hope, a calling and fulfillment. We look for it in so many places. We try friendships and don't find fulness there.
And then comes a fork in the road.
Some go and try to find fulfillment in trying to gain as much pleasure and fun as they can in life. These people party till they drop. They drink, smoke, and shoot whatever they can. They have sex wherever they can get it. But at the end of the day, they are left feeling the same, or worse, when they started.
There is another group of people. They are like us. They sit by you in the pew every Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. These people are seeking to find rest in their good deeds. These people read their Bibles every day, go to every church meeting, pray for an hour every day, and never miss their communion on the "Lord's day". Some of these people fast one or two days a week every week or even more. They do service projects, work at church camps and volunteer organizations. After all this, they are still unfulfilled.
The thing is neither of these approaches are the answer. Both have elements of truth, but none have the fullness of truth. Fulfillment is found in one thing. It is found in doing the very thing we were created for. We were created to seek God and find him. (Acts 17:27) We were created for a relationship with Jesus. Eternal life IS KNOWING CHRIST! (John 17:3)
You see both of these methods have some truth, but not everything. God created man, including our desire for pleasure, and He said it was good! Satan just does a great job of providing counterfeit outlets for the God-given desires. Drugs and alcohol seem to match a desire, but it is a counterfeit for life in the Holy Spirit. Sex outside of marriage masquerades as a fulfillment for our desire for intimacy with Christ and a spouse. True pleasure is found no where except for Christ. It can't be found in church or in good deeds. It can't even be found in knowing about Christ!
Truth, fulfillment, meaning, calling, and life are found in only one place. The man Jesus is the source of life! He came to bring life,  and life to the full. So seek Jesus, not parties. Seek Jesus, not religion. Seek Jesus, not good deeds. Seek Jesus, not the miraculous. Seek Jesus, only Jesus! Find Jesus and you will find life.
"You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life." John 5:39-40

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