I've been thinking about a question lately: what is the point of creation? It's popular to say that we were created for worship, but that doesn't make sense. Is God in need of approval, and especially if it is from His own creation? That would be silly!! So are we just here because God was bored one day in heaven and wanted to play some kind of real-time stragedy game like Age of Empires? No, I don't think any of these answers are very good. Today though, I think I may have found the answer.
Colossians 1:15-20 is a section of scripture about Christ. Part of verse 16 says, "For by him ... all things were created through him and for him." So creation is all for Jesus!
This might seem random from this point and disconnected, but just come along for the ride. When Creation happened, man was created on the sixth day and God said it was very good! Adam, as God's special creation, got the job of naming the animals. In the process, Adam found nothing that could be a companion and helper to him. Because of this God made Eve, a helper comparable to him.
So what does this have to do with Jesus? Well you see, Jesus is the last Adam. You and I are the Eve of all creation! We aren't just here to be God's toys. We are here to be in a relationship with his son, Jesus. All of creation is rushing towards the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:6-10). Like Eve we are created in the image of our bridegroom to be his helpers. We are not just supposed to get a ticket to Heaven, but we are actually Jesus helpers in building the Kingdom. And we aren't only helpers, but companions and partners with him!
You and I were not made to worship. We were made as the prize of the Alpha and Omega! We were made for relationship with Jesus and for his pleasure. How cool is that?! And if you doubt that Jesus is pleased with his bride... well I'll leave you with what Jesus (the bridegroom) thinks about you (the bride):
"You have captured my heart,
my treasure, my bride.
You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes,
with a single jewel of your necklace. Your love delights me,
my treasure, my bride.
Your love is better than wine,
your perfume more fragrant than spices."
Song of Solomon 4:9-10 NLT
Jesus is captivated with just one single glance from you and by your love!!
Great blog post! I used to struggle with the idea of worship, as it seemed like an egotistical God needed us to keep telling how amazing he is, but a few years ago I had lunch with a professor of mine who was somewhat of a mentor, and he explained to me that the word worship stemmed from the idea of giving yourself fully to someone. It used to be in the marriage vows, along the lines of "I will worship you with my body" or something like that. Just as a married couple gives themselves fully to each other, so we were created to give ourselves fully to God! If you define worship as bowing down or singing songs then I agree, we were not created to worship. But if you define it as living a life that is completely given to God, based out of an utter adoration and the highest regard for who he is, and the celebration of the glory of living life wit him, then I would say we were created to worship. We were created to give God pleasure in everything we do - in our work, our play, our relationships, our songs, our words, and the list goes on forever! I think when you view "worship" in this light, it lines up completely with what you just blogged about. What do you think?